Pink Paddle Party Sponsorship Opportunities

The Indy SurviveOars is looking to partner with organizations/companies within the central Indiana region.
Ways you can help:
- Partner with us as an annual Team Benefactor, Team Champion, or Team Advocate
- Become a Sponsor for our annual Pink Paddle Party
Pink Paddle Party Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsors – $3,500
- Platinum Sponsor on Indy SurviveOars’ website in Events section
- Logo in each bi-annual newsletter
- Social media recognition
- 8 tickets to the Pink Paddle Party and reserved table
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor at the Pink Paddle Party
- 1/2 page ad in the Pink Paddle Party program
Gold Sponsors – $2,500
- Silver Sponsor on Indy SurviveOars’ website in Events section
- Logo in each bi-annual newsletter
- Social media recognition
- 6 tickets to the Pink Paddle Party
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor at the Pink Paddle Party
- 1/2 page ad in the Pink Paddle Party program
Silver Sponsors – $1000
- Gold Sponsor on Indy SurviveOars’ website in Events section
- Social media recognition
- 4 tickets to the Pink Paddle Party
- Recognition as Silver Sponsor at the Pink Paddle Party
- Company logo in the Pink Paddle Party program
Bronze Sponsors – $500
- Social media recognition
- 2 tickets to the Pink Paddle Party
- Recognition as Bronze Sponsor at the Pink Paddle Party
- Name included in the Pink Paddle Party program
Our 501c3 status (Federal ID #26-0668712) makes all donations tax-deductible.
Payments may be made via our donation link at , QuickPay/Zelle to, or mailed to: Indy SurviveOars, PO Box 502984, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Thank you for your support!
If you have questions or want additional information,
please contact Julia Leavitt at 317-514-7735 or
More about Indy SurviveOars:
● (to view the Indy SurviveOars’ 2017 10 year Gala video)
● indysurviveoars
● @indysurviveoars