Pink Paddle Party Sponsor Recognition

A special thanks for the following sponsors:

Ed Martin Automotive Group

Team Benefactor
Sarah Demmon

Team Partner
Community Hospitals Oncology Physicians LLC
Saks Fifth Avenue Indianapolis
Towne Post Network

Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Pierce Family Charitable Fund

Chase Auto Finance
In memory of Phyllis Shea
Lough Brothers Roofing and Siding Co., Inc.

Arbor Homes
The Indy SurviveOars Coaching Staff
Shari Doane & J. Neefe
DOZ Charitable Foundation
In memory of Carol Fisher
Carey & Carol Jean Kinghorn-Landry
MacAllister Machinery Company
The National Bank of Indianapolis
R-N-B & Associates, LLC
Dan & Elaine Shea
STIFEL Investment Services w/Koriaths

Rob & Betty Anderson
Barrett Eye Care
Nanette Barrett
Etta & Dave Biloon
Carol & Bob Blankman
Travis & Cheryl Blessing
Susan Calhoun-Kelly
CC & T Construction
DeFur Voran LLP-Attorneys at Law
Dickson-Schaefer, Ltd.
Englin’s Fine Footwear
Larry & Yopi Havlik
Jill Henderson
Paula Hershey
Dave & Susan Hodges
James Keough
Dave & Susan Kinghorn
Bob & Michelle Kowal
Julia & Richard Leavitt
Mary McLaughlin & Lori McClintic, Cindy Whited
Fred & Maggie Mascia
Jenny & Frank Pagano
For member Deborah Rasper
Zionsville Eyecare